Keberadaan SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) sangat penting bagi operasional suatu perusahaan. Dengan SOP kita bisa mengantisipasi berbagai situasi yang mungkin terjadi dalam menjalankan bisnis kita.
SOP ini harus kita perjuangkan sejak kita mendirikan perusahaan. Pada tahap awal sop ini terlihat sederhana, tetapi seiring dengan perjalanan menjalankan bisnis kita akan semakin memperlengkapi sop kita.
SOP akan memberi arah bagi staf perusahaan dalan menjalankan pekerjaannya. Dengan adanya SOP maka karyawan mengetahui lingkup pekerjaannya. Dengan kejelasan ruang lingkup ini, maka job description akan jelas sehingga tidak tumpang tindih. Dengan demikian maka kinerja staf perusahaan akan terjaga dengan baik.
SOP ini bisa kita bagi ke dalam berbagai bidang misalnya:
1. SOP dalam menangani calon client
2. SOP dalam mengerjakan project
3. SOP layanan purna jual
4. SOP quality control
5. SOP keuangan
6. SOP penanganan barang dan lain-lain
7. Karena sop ini memakai berbagai skill yang dimiliki beberapa staf, maka kita bisa membagi sub- sub tersebut kepada staf yang memiliki keahlian sesuai bidangnya.
SOP ini harus terus dievaluasi dan dikembangkan. Dalam periode tertentu minimal 6 bulan sekali SOP harus dievaluasi dan diperbarui untuk perbaikan kinerja perusahaan secara menyeluruh.
CONTOH SOP Osaka Gas Co,Ltd.
Terima kasih kepada 大阪瓦斯株式会社 Osaka Gas Co,Ltd.
2. Details of purchasing procedure | |
The specifications and number/quantity and delivery of equipment, devices and materials are determined by the department(s) that will be using the product(s) or materials. The Purchasing Department conducts purchase activities based on purchase requests submitted by the/these department(s). | |
The Purchasing Department, at its sole discretion, selects companies from which estimates will be sought. Suppliers are selected from the files of "Companies with Previously Established Business Relationships", "Companies from Which Estimates Can Be Requested" and "Products and Suppliers". Selection is made by comprehensivly evaluating such factors as the quality and performance of the equipment, device(s) or materials to be purchased, compatibility with existing facilities, degree of reliability, product requirements including safety, delivery time, the scale of the order, after-sale service and the company's previous business record. As a rule, Osaka Gas asks several companies to submit estimates. However, only one company may be specified for estimate submission in such special cases as those concerned with industrial property rights, those requiring maximum levels of safety that only one specific supplier can ensure, cases where only one specific supplier can assure compatibility with existing facilities, or in case of urgency. | |
As a rule, when requesting an estimate from a company that it has selected, Osaka Gas will set out a specification from listing Osaka Gas's requirements in respects of quality, performance standard, size, inspection and method of inspection. The selected companies will be asked to submit cost estimates and specifications to Osaka Gas prior to a specified date. | |
Specification sheets submitted by potential suppliers at their own expense are checked by the Purchasing Department and the department(s) that will be using the product(s), in order to determine whether the required standards are met by the product(s). All products must pass this examination. During this process, Osaka Gas may request additions or changes to the specifications. | |
After valid cost estimates and specifications have been comprehensively evaluated in respect of price, technical requirements, etc. Osaka Gas will commence negotiation with the company with the most attractive proposal to discuss the amount of the contract and other terms and conditions. The selection of such a company shall be made by Osaka Gas at its sole discretion. Contract terms and conditions will be decided upon mutual agreement. | |
The business will be established upon conclusion of a contract, in the form of a written document if necessary. The obligations and liabilities of Osaka Gas arise only when such contract is concluded. | |
Delivery dates specified in the contract must be strictly observed. Precise details of the delivery schedule will be agreed between the supplier and the relevant department(s) of Osaka Gas. Delivered equipment, device(s) or materials must pass inspections conducted by the relevant department(s) of Osaka Gas. When deemed significant, an interim inspection may be conducted during the manufacturing process. | |
Payment will be made according to the payment terms specified in the contract. |
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